Sunday, 6 February 2011

You just couldn't make it up

Good Afternoon Mr Radford and Mrs Smiff
         I come with news today that you have been joined by some secret followers!!!! i don't know how many but they do exist. So i had better watch the swearing.
         I shan't lie to you I've had a bad couple of days. of which i am mainly putting down to p.m.t.
Everyone is annoying me,eg: if my significant other were to eat crisps in front of me on these particular days i am likely to get that packet and shove it up his,............ well i promised not to swear, actually i don't know why i promised not to swear, its hard not to swear when your as angry as me :0(
          My Goblins which usually annoy me on Mondays have been present for most of the week, because 'they' know I'm on the edge. I have no idea what I'm doing, when I'm doing it and who I'm doing it with ! currently the washing machine is half way through a cycle with no powder in it, the dishwasher was put on this morning to be finished by now so it will be emptied by dinner time, but i haven't even closed the door so its not been on at all. And I'm supposed to be getting the small person to a party, of which I've lost the invitation to. This is not unusual and its a miracle they ever get to them.
          Yesterday was a particularly shit day, (oops sorry) 'Yesterday' i will re phrase was very disagreeable to my current mental state.
          I had been feeling very sorry for myself for a few days now, so i checked out my facebook home page and it appeared that everyone else was happy, which was good it was Saturday. Then An advert for a Lyspy off of London dress came up, being blinded by pwetty fings i had to have it, it was perfect for the wedding I'm going to in June, so i bought it, ............... That made me happy but then i realised that the website was a fake, fec (sorry) i had given them all of my credit card details and my  personal details.
Great so i may have 2 followers for my crap blog which is a little bit embarrassing, but i probably now also have thousands of dodgy geezer followers, in the underworld pretending to be me, which is also embarrassing :0/
         Appreciate if you can my horror upon realising the grave miss judgment in purchasing this pwetty fing what i had made, Shit!!!! (sorry,) it required drastic and immediate action. Checking ones credit card i dialled the number on the back feeling a little foolish. I explained to the guy what i had done and that it was a very nice dress of which i liked very much, he was not very impressed with my actions and i felt a little rollocked by him :0/  the security details how ever on the said credit card were of words i could not remember. So i needed to cancel the card asap, but couldn't remember my password :0/ crap.
           By this time i was in a state of panic rackin my brain for some kind of weird and fascinating pass word of what i may have come up with , two years ago.......... I felt like i was the queen with the baby and this guy was  Rumpelstiltskin, i could imagine him there in lloyds bank telephone banking with a pointy nose and stripy tights, wetting himself laughing at my stupidness :0(
          In the end i just put the phone down. Consulting my book of passwords, well crapped up pieces of paper kicking about my studio, i made a lucky guess from this code on a screwed up bit of paper ' Golden horses card oooooh they gave me 7 grand' the password beside it. I phoned back and thankfully i got a girl this time, so i passes the password test oh yeah i was on a roll, then she said what was the last transaction you made?? wot??? did i answer the one i just did (by mistake) or my payment to account from the bank?? omg it was all going wrong again,i bet them goblins were peeing themselves by now. I went for the payment option. Hurrahh it was Right, 'so' she said how much was it for? Fec i had no idea and my phone battery was going. Omg i said i don't know ill have to go on to online banking. This was a disaster i was sweating by now and feeling rather sick i now had another bank to log in to and another set of passwords to conquer, this one however was easier as the code was 'woof' yeah that would be my code for Barclay's. THEN the sodding battery ran out.
              I cried.
         I phoned them back and after 30 minutes i managed to cancel my card, them baddy men could have spent thousands by now :0/ luckily they never and i decided to get fraud cover for £6.99 a month so if they do try it i get notified. I'm waiting you scum bag bad ass facebook ad liars, yeah try it now and you'll get caught, i have Rumpelstilkskin off of lloyds bank fraud squad on it!!
             I was going out on this evening and was not really in the right frame of mind, id spent all afternoon in the hospital with child number 2 on the Friday, learning not a lot else than i have before, yet Another consultant on her 'get it list' , her get it list is very long now and has half of the consultants in the NHS on it, oh 'and' the dentist, she told her she was a witch and was going to set her on fire :0/ one Heart specialist frog marched us out of his consultation room when she was five, because she called him the most rubbish doctor she'd ever seen in her life :0( many nurses have had there shins kicked in and when we go for a flu jab the receptionists put out a 4 minute warning :0( so you can see our future prim minister sure does have some spirit............ As you can also imagine this all gets very wearing hence the miserableness wot was me, mix that with a bit of pmt and you have yourself a loose canon.
             I needed retail therapy and so grabbed the girlys and went off shopping, purchasing some rather spangly 4" heals for said night out.
            Then 8 spots erupted on my face within a few hours, marvellous cheers for that goblins,.
And so here we are Saturday night was fabalous and i laughed ... a lot.
          Was going to do this blog when i got home but couldn't remember my password, which turns out is under code name: uncle bob.
          Anyway I'm going now child number two has a new potters wheel and quite frankly its doing my head in, there is clay all over the walls and the noise is hideous, the other small one is back from her party and is currently asking Jeeves how to fly (again), the boy is in his room trying to also escape the noise of the potters wheel and well me 'potty' is the only way you can describe me today.

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