Friday, 21 January 2011

Isupposed to be cooking Martins Tea

Yo thousands of followers and fans, im so pleased you have joined me!!
Actually im not sure what im doing no one realisticly will ever read this crap, anyway today nothing really much has happened, the dog pooed on the neighbours doorstep again, ......... its still there i cant face the embarassment of being caught picking it up. Ive spent most of the day painting a cow, talking to my bezzie mate on the phone and messing about on facebook. what a waste of a perfectly good life i hear you say, well er i dont hear you say cos theres no fans to say it. went to the gym this morning, my Kylie arse is not looking much different than yesterday.
And to be honest its probably the frst day in my life i have nothing interesting to report, one slightly worrying piece of news from school today was that my 11 year old mostly wrote in her english project about death ?? mmmmmmmm
anyway im off to eat curry now
Toodle pip

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